The Steps Of Bathing A Baby In A Bathtub

The Steps Of Bathing A Baby In A Bathtub
You may bath your baby in a baby bathtub once the umbilical chord has fallen off . To wash your baby safely, follow these steps:
Step 1: Pour a modest quantity of water into the tub. 2 to 3 inches of warm water is usually plenty. Depending on the model, some tubs may be used in the sink or in a standard bathtub.
Step 2: After you’ve undressed your infant, immediately immerse them in water to prevent them from becoming chilly.
Step 3: With one hand, hold your baby’s head while placing them feet first in the tub with the other. For safety, their head and neck should always remain above water.
Step 4: To keep your infant warm in the tub, gently splash or pour warm water over them.
Step 5: Clean their face and hair with a washcloth once or twice a week, and shampoo their scalp once or twice a week.
Step 6: Using warm water or a damp washcloth, wash the remainder of their body from head to toe.
Step 7: Lift your baby out gently and wipe them dry with a towel. Make careful to dry the wrinkles in their skin as well.
What is the best way to dry a newborn after a bath?
Here’s how to finish your baby’s bath, including instructions on washing, drying, and applying lotion:
Step 1: Rinse well.
For the last rinse cycle, use clean, warm water while holding your child football-style, with the back of his head cradled in one hand, his body stretched down your arm, and his head over the basin. Fill the cup halfway with water and carefully pour it over your baby’s head, then the rest of his or her body.
Step 2: Gently dry her.
Next, use a soft dry cloth to pat (not massage) your baby’s skin. Make sure her bottom and any other regions with folds of skin are completely dry. There are a lot of them in chubby infants!
Step 3: Don’t use too much baby lotion.
That lovely, ultra-sensitive skin doesn’t require much in the way of lotions, oils, or creams, but a small amount of baby-safe moisturizer is fine. Baby powders, on the other hand, can irritate an infant’s breathing passages. Massage a hypoallergenic lotion into your baby’s skin after warming it in your palms if your practitioner suggests it (i.e. if infant has dry or eczema-prone skin).
Step 4: Dress and diaper.
Put a new diaper on your infant and outfit him or her in clean clothing. Swaddle her in a blanket if she needs to be soothed after the sponge wash, then sink down for a snuggle with your clean, sweet-smelling baby.