Why Baby Vomit Milk After Feeding?
The common causes of vomiting in babies after feeding.
1.Baby reflux
Reflux occurs in babies because the muscular valve at the end of their food pipe that keeps food in the stomach is still developing. Babies are prone to reflux because they have developing tiny stomachs.
2. Overfeed
The general view was that you cannot overfeed a baby. But, when your baby drinks from a bottle, it is easier for them to overfeed. Vomit is the only way when your baby is drinking too much formula or breast milk in one feeding which overfeed your baby’s stomach.
3. Allergy
The cause of your baby’s vomiting could be the formula but in rare situations. Although cow’s milk allergies are uncommon in babies under the age of one, they can occur in up to 7% of those under the age of one.
4. Burping incorrectly
Bottle-feeding your baby breast milk or formula may result in more air-swallowing because they can gulp more quickly. Too much air in your baby’s stomach can cause discomfort, bloating, and vomiting. Burping your baby immediately after feeding him or her formula may help prevent this.